Friday, June 18, 2010

Audrina meeting Augustino

Audrina has been waiting and waiting for her 'baby boy' to arrive. We did a lot of talking about the things that baby boy would and would not be able to do once he arrived. And that he'd only be eating mommy's milk and all he'd do is eat, sleep, poop, pee and cry.

Zach's parents watched Drina for us while we were in the hospital. The day after Auggie was born Shannon brought Audrina down to meet him. The introduction could not have gone any better. The two of them melted our hearts. She has been very gentle and loving. So far we have not seen any jealousy or major melt downs due to his entrance in our world.

Audrina received a gift with Augustino's arrival. Her very own camera 'Click' (thank you Diego)... She has LOVED taking picture after picture of Auggie.

So far our life as a family of 4 is as close to perfect as we could hope for!

And yes, my baby boy has a pink swing! :o)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

He's Here!

He's here! Augustino Giovanni Abote was born June 7, 2010 at 8:03 pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz., was 20 1/2 inches long.

Proud Daddy

We thinks he looks a lot like Drina did when she was born. Full head of dark hair, round face, similar nose... except Auggie has dimples!

Proud Papa

Here are all the other details:
We checked into Good Samaritan for induction in the morning. They started all the drugs around 10:30 and things progressed slowly. At 5:30 they checked me and I was still at 3 cm so they broke my water. The doctor thought it would be 5-7 hours until I dilated fully. About an hour or so after this they turned me on my left side. Thanks to the drugs I was able to relax and rest a bit. At 7:30 I asked the nurse to come in and flip me to my other side. Almost immediately I started to feel some pressure, so when the nurse came back in I let her know. She checked me and the head was right there! She said he'd be out in about 10 minutes and quickly brought in the other nurses to get everything set up. She had me do a practice push and at that time started timing. The doctor came in and a few pushes later Augustino made his arrival. Total time from the 'practice push' to arrival was 7 minutes! I cannot complain about that!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Waiting Game

We are still waiting for the arrival of baby boy Abote. So I've decided to use some of my nesting energy to update Audrina pictures from the last... 6 months?!
So these are not in any particular order, just her everyday cuteness.



Audrina LOVES playing at the park. She has become very strong and coordinated getting up and down things. Now we are just working on self play at the park. She's going to have to get used to the idea that I cannot follow her around 100% of the time...

Playing with James and Katy

Playing dress up.

Good little gardener.