Sunday, July 13, 2008


On Saturday Zach surprised me with a day for the 2 of us at the spa! Much needed and appreciated. He even had roses waiting for me at the salon. Gram and Gramp Howard watched Drina for a few hours and had a great time with her. Overall, it was a great day.

Nice hats!
Yes, that is a Starbucks wrapper she is trying to crawl to... hmmm she must be mine.
Success! (I know its bad but she was determined, and loved it)
Thanks for the help Papa!

1 comment:

Sweet Baby James said...

A. Audrina looks like she is about to crawl!
B. You and Zach both are looking great!
C. Audrina literally just keeps getting cuter and cuter, I can't handle it.
D. Let's hang out this week-maybe lunch Wed? I will call you :-)